Tablets to Replace PC's?

According to an article in Baseline, a recent survey from Staples Advantage, shows that a clear majority of tablet users believe that tablets will end up replacing their more traditional machines. Sales of the slim computers are expected to soar from 55 million this year to more than 208 million in 2014. “Tablets make it easy for employees to keep information with them and utilize business apps, no matter where they go,” says Ed Ludwigson, vice president and general manager for Staples Technology Solutions. “For employers, the benefit is having a more productive workforce that’s always connected to what’s happening at the office.”

I don't think so. Although I love my iPad for meetings and other "on the go" activities, I just don't see tablets replacing my powerful desktop, with full keyboard and large HDTV screen for real work (or play) anytime soon.

For more about the survey, click here.


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